Dr. Rajendra V. Babar, HOD- IT received "Global EduTech Leadership Award " by World Education Congress, Mumbai. |
Faculty Achievements
Dr. R.V. Babar, Reviewer of the project proposal under the RGSTC scheme, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
Dr. R.V. Babar, Published paper in International journal on “Design & development of Modbus based LED display board.”
Dr. R.V. Babar, Resource person for seminar on “Carrier Guidance and professional courses admission process” at New Era English High school, Bhiwandi, Thane.
Dr. R.V. Babar, Examiner for B.E. Project exam at Solapur University.
Dr. R.V. Babar, Resource person for guest lecture on “Carrier opportunities in Engineering” at NBN Sinhgad College of Engineering Solapur.
Dr. R.V. Babar, received Recognition as a Ph.D. Research Guide, SPPU, Pune.
Dr. R.V. Babar, Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs
Dr. R.V. Babar, Published paper in International journal on “Development of voice recognition based home automation system using bluetooth".
Prof. F. S. Ghodichor, Appointed as “Paper Setter & Examiner for subject “Cloud Computing T.E. IT by Board of study in IT, SPPU.
Prof. P. C. Latane, Appointed as “Syllabus setter and Team Leader for subject Embedded System and RTOS B.E. (2019)” of AY- 2021-22 by Board of study in Electronics & Telecommunication, SPPU.
, Received Certificate of Appreciation for being Resource Person at SPPU for the subject “Internet of Things and Laboratory Practice-I (IoT)”.
Prof. A. P. Kulkarni, Completed NPTEL certification in “Introduction to Research” with Elite Grade
Prof. A. P. Kulkarni, Completed Two Credit Course in “Research and Publication Ethics” with “A” Grade.
Prof. Pallavi Ahire worked as a Resource Person for Faculty Orientation Program of Design Thinking -TE IT in association with BoS IT, SPPU Pune.
Prof. Pallavi Ahire Published Paper entitled “Secure cloud model for intellectual privacy protection of arithmetic expressions in source codes using data obfuscation techniques” in Elsevier’s Journal of Theoretical Computer Science on 26 Apr 2022. (SCI Indexed).
Prof. Pallavi Ahire worked as a Syllabus Setter-Member and Paper Setter for the subject of Design Thinking -TE IT, SPPU, Pune.
Prof. Pallavi Ahire wrote book on Computer Graphics for the students of SE, AI & ML, SPPU.
Prof. P. P. Ahire, published book on “Operating Systems” for T.E. IT , SPPU, Pune, S.Y. B.Tech, Dr. BATU, Lonere and AI & ML, SPPU.
Prof. P. P. Ahire, Received Certificate of Appreciation for being Resource Person and Paper Setter-Member at SPPU for the subject “Software Modeling Design and Laboratory Practice-II (SMD)”.
Dr. R.V. Babar, Resource person for seminar on “Carrier Guidance and professional courses admission process” at New Era English High school, Bhiwandi, Thane.
Dr. R.V. Babar, Examiner for B.E. Project exam at Solapur University.
Dr. R.V. Babar, Resource person for guest lecture on “Carrier opportunities in Engineering” at NBN Sinhgad College of Engineering Solapur.
Dr. R.V. Babar, Published paper in International journal on “Electricity Billing System”
Dr. R.V. Babar, Published paper in International journal on “Online Web Based Doctor Recommendation Platform Using Apriori Algorithm”
Dr. R.V. Babar, Published paper in International journal on “Online Exam System with Secured Approach”
Dr. R.V. Babar, Published paper in International conference on “Improving the efficiency of parametric scanning and device control via pre-filtering and multi-component hardware modelling”.
Student Achievements
110 students of department Received Certificate of Appreciation for successfully completing Internship in AY- 2021-22.
03 students of department Received Certificate of Appreciation for successfully completing NPTEL course.
09 students of department Received Certificate of Appreciation for successfully completing 2 months value addition program on C, C++.
61 students of department Received Certificate of Appreciation for successfully completing Courses in AY- 2021-22.
76 offer-letters are received for BE placement in reputed companies in AY- 2021-22.
Faculty Achievements
Students Achievements
Faculty Achievements
Students Achievements
Faculty Achievements
Students Achievements
Students Achievements
1. The two students of BE IT (RohiniDiwakar, Aparna Chatteerjee) attended & Presented Project title “Navigation System for Blind” for Avishkar Competition -2017 on 19/12/2017 at AISSMS, Pune.
2. Two Projects participated in “GMRT Science day-2018” at Khodad, Narayangaon, Pune on 28/02/2018 & 01/03/2018 with faculty coordinator.
Faculty Achievements
1) Prof. Pallavi Pankaj Ahire got “Best Teacher Award” on 30th Sep 2016 for entire Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala.
2) Prof. P. P. Ahire was invited as a “Resource Person” on 7th July 2016 by Board Of Studies-IT for faculty development program on the subject of PSOOP-SE IT, organized by PVG in association with BoS-IT, SPPU.
3) Prof. P. P. Ahire was invited as a “Resource Person” for Student Training Program (STP-I) on 26th Aug 2016 by HOD, Computer Department, SKNCOE, Pune. Faculties of IT & Computer Department from all over the Sinhgad Institutes were present for training.
4) Departmental faculties Prof.N.A.Dhawas, Prof.PallaviAhire and Prof.G.M.Gaikwad was involved in setting syllabus of for IT students in association with Board of Studies-IT, SavitribaiPhule Pune University for Academic year 2016-17.
5) Departmental faculties Prof.N.A.Dhawas, Prof.PallaviAhire and Prof.G.M.Gaikwad was involved in setting papers for IT students in association with Board of Studies-IT, SavitribaiPhule Pune University for Academic year 2016-17.
6) Departmental faculties Prof.PallaviAhirewrote 9 books and Prof. R.S.Badodekar wrote one book for the students of SavitribaiPhule Pune University.
7) Departmental faculties Prof.N.A.Dhawas, Prof.PallaviAhire worked as a reviewer, session chairand judge for various IEEE and International Conferences and technical events.
8) Mrs. Vandana. P. Tonde has delivered a Guest Lecture on “System Programming” at SKNSITS Lonavala on 24th Mar 2017.
9) Mrs. Anuradha P Kulkarni got Appreciation letter for departmental coordinator “Techtonic 2017” organized by College
10) Mrs. Supriya B. Jadhav Worked as a Judge for Snippets Competition “Techtonic 2017” organized by SKNSITS College.
Students Achievements
1) The five students of TE IT (AdheShrikant, Bole Samiksha, Gandhi Samidha, Pokharkar Kailash, VikheAbhilash) attended & successfully completed the certification training on Core Java during the period 3rd Sept to 16th Oct 2016 organized by SAE Kondhawa Campus and conducted by Sunbeam Institute of Information Technology, Pune
2) Mr. Ayush Kumar Attended Internship at Tech Mahindra
3) Miss RohiniDiwakar, completed internship with Persistent Pune & got opportunity to work on project
4) Miss RohiniDiwakar attended event “Microsoft Boot Strap” at Bits Pilani Jaipur organized by Microsoft as a Member of Microsoft Campus Club
Faculty Achievements
Student Achievements
Faculty Achievements
Student Achievements